Monday, March 30, 2009


My involvement with the University political scene is more or less complete. That leaves a full year ahead of me without commitments to anything but school, work, relationships, and friendships. That means a lot of time for other projects such as films, videos, scripts, musicals, songs, or some experimental blood art. My new motto: create projects that stoners will enjoy. Those crazy cats love the weirdest shit.

I do believe what I said throughout my "campaign," that student politics has gotten too serious, forgetting about students who don't have executive members on their Facebook, too confined for the average student to get involved. I'm not bitter or sad that I lost (in fact I've felt a 'freeing' sensation) and truth be told, I'm not entierly sure that I would have changed anything at all. That's why I want to take it easy next year and watch from a distance (though I'm not going to make snide comments about the things or people I see because that's what village idiots do); to fade back into the oblivion from whence I came.

I've been throwing around the idea of a 'The Hills' type show featuring both real and scripted elements of my life and the real and scripted people around it. Maybe an encounter with a celebrity in one episode, maybe a a song and dance number in another. Stoners love music.

There are, however, two weeks left of school for this year, exams, and the summer of love before the next school year is upon us. Ready?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Congratulations Logan! / Wheenoch's Funhouse of Horrors

Well fought race buddy. Next year will be an exciting one for sure. Thanks to the people that came out to vote! All 8.2% of you...

Stay tuned to this blogspot, tentatively called Wheenoch's Funhouse of Horrors. You never know what crazy shit you might see.

Last Day / Dernière Journeé

5pm / 17h. Morisset Basement / Sous-Sol. Level 0 / Niveau 0.

It`s the final countdown.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Right now. Today and tomorrow. Till 5PM. Basement of Morisette next to the Reporgraphy Copy Centre.

Maintenent. Aujourd'hui et demain. Jusq'au 1700h. Sous-sol du Morisette a prochain du Reprography Copy Centre.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mission Accomplished! / Mission Accomplie!

Debates / Débats

Tonight! One night only! / Ce soir! Un nuit seulment!

UCU 205.

7pm / 19 00h

I hope it doesn't come to this: / J'espère que cela ne vient pas à ca:

Interview / Entrevue

I completely forgot. An interview by Kyle Ryc.

J'oublié completment. Une entrevue avec Kyle Ryc.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rocci > Gillman

The search for Gillman is over as I heard from someone as he was on vacation all last week and that he is now back. His first order of buisness? Taking down every elections poster in Simard. I guess he reads my blog and doesn't appreciate me stalking him. Oh well, I'm over it. I have a new person set in my sights:

La recherche de Gillman est terminée puisque j'ai entendu dire de quelqu'un qu’il était en vacances toute la semaine dernière et qu’il est maintenant de retour. Son premier ordre du jour? Enlever toutes les affiches d’élection dans l’édifice Simard. Je crois qu'il lit mon blog et qu’il n’aime pas que je le flâne. Eh bien, je m’en remets. J’ai une nouvelle victime en vu:


I've done about fifteen class presentations including an attempted one today in one of his classes (which turned out to be cancelled) and I have yet to run into this excellent Communications professor who uploads a photo of himself during his own 101 Week as his Departmental webpage photo. If you run into him, tell him I can't wait to ask him to do a class presentation in front of his class. 

J’ai fais environ quinze présentations de classes incluant une tentative d’en faire une aujourd’hui dans la sienne (qui a fini par être annulé) et je n’ai pas encore rencontré le superbe professeur de communications qui télécharge une photo de lui-même comme image sur son siteweb départemental pendant sa Semaine 101. Si vous le rencontrez, dites-lui que j’ai hâte de lui demander si je peux faire une présentation dans une de ses classes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Messy / En Désordre

This is what the elections have done to my room:

Les élections ont fait ca à ma chambre:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Gillman V. Long

For the campaign, in order to get banners up in a building on campus, you have to talk to the building manager. I did some research and the building manager for the two buildings most frequented by Communications classes is a man named Gillman Long. Gillman, however, is a hard man to catch as evidenced by this video:

Pour pouvoir afficher des bannieres dans un etablissement sur le campus pour une campagne, on doit parler avec les gerants des etablissements. J'ai fais de la recherche et la personne pour les deux etablissements les plus utilises pour des classes de Communications se nomme Gillman Long. Gillman, malheureusement, est un homme difficile a trouver en jugeant par ce video: 



If found, please contact Enoch c/o

Si tu trouve, s'il vous plaît contacter Enoch à

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seven / Sept

One more week until the vote. Ready?

Une semaine avant le vote. Prêt?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ticketmaster / Ticketmaster

Shen Wei Dance Arts tonight at the NAC. Arts Ball on Saturday. Fine Arts Ball on Sunday. Metric/Malajube on April 1st. And I'm out of $75.

The cheapest ticket out of all of those was Metric/Malajube for only $10. I highly suggest you go because both bands put on a fantastic show. Both their new albums are also seriously good. Don't believe me?

Download! / Télécharger!

Shen Wei Dance Arts ce soir au CNA. Bal des Arts ce samedi. Bal des Beaux-Arts ce dimanche. Metric/Malajube le 1er avril. Je n'ai plus de 75$.

Le billet le moins cher de tous ces choix était Metric/Malajube à seulement 10$. Je suggère que vous y alliez parce que ces deux groupes présentent un spectacle fantastique. Leurs nouveaux albums sont aussi très bons. Vous ne me croyez pas?

St. Patrick's Day by / par John Mayer

Just because I like this song.
Parce'que j'aime cette chanson.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Prize / Un Prix

Posters are up. Do you like them?

One poster has this on a corner:

Find it. The first Communications student to comment here with the location of the poster, his/her name, and his/her email address WINS an all-expenses paid trip to a vending machine on campus to purchase the item of his/her choosing.

Fine print: Don’t try and draw it on a poster because I know where the real one is.

Platform point #3: Keep the CSA fiscally sound using finances wisely for matters that directly benefit the Communications student population.

This benefits a member of the Communications student population, no?


Les affiches sont mont, les aimez vous?

Une de ces affiches a ceci sur un coin:

(Voir en haut).

Trouve le. Le premier etudiant de communication a metre un commentaire ici avec la destination de l’affiche avec son nom et email GANGE un vacances paye a un “vending machine” pour piger un objet de son choix.

N’essayer pas d’ecrire sur une affiche parce que je sais ou se trouve le vrai.

Platform point #3 :Garder une stabilité financière pour l'AÉÉC en utilisant l'argent sagement et seulement pour le bénéfice des étudiant(e)s en Communication.

Ceci benefit un etudiant qui se trouve comme un membre de Communication, non?


Hot Off The Press / Tout Chaud

These will be up today. There's a prize with your name on it. Details tonight.

Ces affiches on disponible aujourd'hui. Il y a un prix avec ton nom. Détails ce soir.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Arts and Crafts / Bricolage

The route of a REAL President / La route d'un VRAI président

Really? / Vraiment?


Où es-tu né?
St. John’s, Terre Neuve, Canada

À l'école, j'étais lélève qui...
Ne parlais jamais.

Quel est l'album le plus joué sur ton iPod ces temps-ci ?
Mantis d'Umphrey’s Mcgee

Qu'as-tu toujours avec toi?
Téléphone cellulaire, iPod, clefs

Quelle est ta grignoterie préférée?
Raisins enrobés au yogourt, M&M au beurre d'arachide

Quel est un talent spécial que tu possèdes?
Je peux jouer dix instruments de musique.

Nomme ta plus grande indulgence.
Law and Order: SVU.

Qui t'inspires?
Mes amis.

Pour quelle célébrité d'Hollywood as-tu le coup de foudre?
Malin Akerman

Si tu étais un super héros, que serait ton pouvoir?
La métamorphose ou la métamorphose animale.

Film préféré?
Ocean’s Eleven (le plus récent), Lord of the Rings (la série)

Emission de télévision préférée?
24, Arrested Development

Groupe ou artiste préféré?
Umphrey’s McGee, Great Big Sea, Dave Matthews Band

Quel est ton spectacle de Broadway préféré?
Spring Awakening

Le bonheur c'est…
Jouer au Bingo…?

Quel est ton mot préféré?

Quel est le mot que tu aimes le moins?

Qu'est-ce qui t'anime d’un côté créatif, spirituel ou émotionnel?

Qu'est-ce qui te décourage d’un côté créatif, spirituel ou émotionnel?
La colère

Quel son ou bruit aimes-tu?
La première note de n'importe qu'elle chanson.

Quel son ou bruit n'aimes-tu pas?
Les bruits superflus d'un ordinateur.

Quel est ton juron préféré?

Quelle profession autre que la tienne voudrais-tu tenter?
Écrivains pour une émission satirique de soirée

Quelle profession ne voudrais-tu pas faire?

Si le Paradis existe, qu'aimerais-tu entendre de Dieu lorsque tu y arriveras?
Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu l'as fait. Ne regarde pas en bas.



Where were you born?
St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada 

In school, I was the kid who…
Rarely spoke.

What’s the top played album on your iPod these days?
Umphrey’s Mcgee’s Mantis

What do you always carry with you?
Cellphone, iPod, Keys

What’s your favourite pig out food?
Yogurt raisins, peanut butter M&Ms

What’s a special talent you have.
I can play about ten instruments.

Name your greatest indulgence.
Law and Order: SVU.

Who inspires you?
My friends.

What Hollywood star do you have a crush on?
Malin Akerman

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
Morphing or Animorphing.

Favourite movie?
Ocean’s Eleven (the new one), Lord of the Rings (all of them)

Favourite TV show?
24, Arrested Development

Favourite musician or band?
Umphrey’s McGee, Great Big Sea, Dave Matthews Band

What is your favourite Broadway show?
Spring Awakening

Happiness is…
Playing Bingo…?

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

What sound or noise do you love?
The first note of any song.

What sound or noise do you hate?
Unnecessary computer noise.

What is your favorite curse word?

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Late night comedy writer

What profession would you not like to do?

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
I can’t believe you made it. Don’t look down.